Celebrating One Year of Harmony: Smoke N Beatz Creates a Hip-Hop Utopia

On November 25th 2023, a special milestone graced the calendar, marking the one-year anniversary of Smoke N Beatz—a haven forged by Lord Nez for the community to unite, support each other’s talents, and kindle their shared passions. In the heart of Smoke N Beatz, there is no judgment, no concern for color, and certainly no…

Elementos – Celebrating Latino Contributions in Hip Hop

The 2023 Puerto Rock Steady festival carries a profound mission at its core: to safeguard the narratives and pay tribute to the Latino community’s contributions in the four elements of Hip Hop – DJs, Rappers, Graffiti artists, and Dancers. These visionary individuals have not only played a pivotal role in shaping hip-hop culture but have…

S4 Ep4 “Dinner In Place” Lyrics Born Meets TOP Chef, Nelson German.

On S4 EP4, our favorite rapper turned chef crosses pans with TOP CHEF, Nelson German. On this special collab edition crosses pans with TOP CHEF, Nelson German for some Locrio Japonese! If you listen closely you can hear his new single “Heaven and Armageddon” playing in the background. You can find out more here. For…

Philadelphia Has A Renewed Attention For Its Vibrant Graffiti Culture.

After disappearing for a decade, Philadelphia’s premier graffiti photojournalist has resurfaced. In the realm of Philadelphia graffiti journalism, one name truly stands out as a trailblazer and a driving force. Silent Wrytes has become an iconic figure of graffiti journalism in the city, skillfully capturing the very essence and dynamic energy of its vibrant underground…

EarthGang Gets Adam Sandler Co-Sign For ‘Bobby Boucher’

‘Yo, Earthgang! Singing along with you! Love, Bobby B,’ wrote Sandler. After releasing their Water Boy-inspired single and music video titled “Bobby Boucher,” EARTHGANG received recognition from none other than the Water Boy himself, Adam Sandler. Sandler expressed his approval and support for the video by giving a shoutout to the hip-hop duo on Twitter.…

Cypress Hill And Colorado Symphony Orchestra Play Black Sunday In Its Entirety

On July 20th, 2023, Cypress Hill celebrated the 30th anniversary of their iconic album “Black Sunday.” To mark this legendary milestone, the group performed the entire album live, accompanied by the Colorado Symphony orchestra. DJ Lord was also in attendance, adding his DJing talents to the special event. This performance allowed fans to experience the…